
A webring for dolls, angels, robots, cats, puppies, and other non-person beings.

Member List

How to Join

Other Requirements

This webring is run by an tranarchist, and as such this is not the place for any kind of bigotry, nationalism, pro-capitalism, etc. One doesn't have to be an anarchist, just don't be a chud or promoting right-wing stuff, okie?

Besides that, it's just the usual rule of making sure the webring links aren't hidden. They don't have to be at the URL linked but should be easy to find from there, preferably under a 'Links' or 'Webrings' page or section.


Beings can apply to join by sending a message on Fedi or via e-mail with the following information:

Add the Links

Once approved, simply add the following links to one's website, replacing "SLUG" with one's chosen five-character slug (omitting quotation marks). They can be styled as one pleases, just make sure to include the ring name: awawaRing."SLUG""SLUG"


If needed this one can provide HTML - and optionally CSS - that can simply be copy-pasted for a small, text-based widget.